À propos
Johannes is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut Pasteur, working in the NanoImaging Core facility and the Dynamics of Host Pathogen Interactions group. A fan of serendipity, Johannes cites his favorite scientist as Alexander Flemming, whose discovery of the antibiotic compound penicillin reminds us that sometimes the best discoveries happen by accident. When not at the bench, with his experiments soundtracked by his favorite tool in the lab – the radio, Johannes is driven to communicate science by a desire to dispel misunderstandings, and help people to make better decisions.
Gautham is a postdoctoral researcher in the Pathogenesis of vascular infections group at Institut Pasteur – a unit which investigates how some bacteria can enter the bloodstream, survive there and damage the vasculature. Gautham is a self-described expert in “Jugaad” – a Hindi term which roughly translates to “hack” or “workaround”, and perhaps this efficiency and innovation may one day lead him to fulfil his dream of discovering equations that explain the fundamentals of biology. Having witnessed unique events in science Gautham feels a responsibility to share that knowledge with others, an attitude to scientific outreach which reflects that of his favorite scientist – the aerospace engineer and former president of India Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam.