Founding Team and 1st Editorial Board (2021-2022)
Head of Managing and Design (co-Founder)
I am a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at the Institut Pasteur. I like exploring the brain and the world. My favourite sound is laughter and my motivation is curiosity. I think that science communication is essentially the sharing of this curiosity.

Head of Finance and Events (co-Founder)
I am a PhD candidate in Chemistry at the Institut Pasteur where I have fun mixing colorful substances and making quite spectacular chemical reactions. In my free time I love to learn about the world of startups and I dream of opening my own company. I love science as much as I love communicating it because I think that, with accurate and powerful communication, science can really make a difference.

Head of Submissions and Media (co-Founder)
I'm a PhD student in Neuroscience at the Institut Pasteur. I understand science as a way of looking at reality by observing, questioning, studying and understanding. This has always been my way of living and learning. I also believe that the knowledge we generate needs to be shared and used to improve people's lives. My dream is to help the field of medicine progress and make this progress accessible to everyone.

Head of Copy Editing and Translation (co-Founder)
I am a Phd Student in Neuroscience at the Institut Pasteur. I have always enjoyed sharing knowledge and having discussions, especially in the field of science. Actually, I believe that communication is one of the most powerful tools in our world. Science is super fun, but usually misunderstood. Therefore to combine communication and science is, to me, the perfect match.

Thank you!
As PhD students from Institut Pasteur, Miruna Costreie, Chiara Figazzolo, Maria Llach Pou, and Camille Thiberge launched Piplettes in September 2021 as the first student-lead science communication platform at Institut Pasteur. The idea of the project emerged in the dorms of Cite Universite, while the name came to life during scientific experiments in the cell culture room. Merging four very different personalities with a passion for science communication, the founding team established the pipeline for the editorial process and published the first interviews and articles. During this time they also built a solid collaboration with the Educational Department and Direction of Communication at the Institut, as well as with ComSciCon France and students at the Paris Art School.